Sugar is not entering your diet without your knowledge?

Sugar is not entering your diet without your knowledge?

Sugar is not entering your diet without your knowledge?


No sugar diet

Sugar is not entering your diet without your knowledge?

No sugar diet

Did a lot of things, but not losing weight at all? Blood sugar is not coming down? Check your diet once, isn't there a mistake? The World Health Organization is looking for solutions to the growing problem of obesity around the world, and a number of ideas have emerged. In keeping with modernity and globalization, we have added to our diet many foods that have sugar in them but do not taste sweet.

For example, fried fish or chicken dipped in French fries or batter Shingara, Nimki should also be included in this tribe These are basically simple carbohydrates, which break down into glucose very quickly after eating. But the list does not end here, it just started.

Don't buy special breakfast cereals for kids:

 Because colorful, crunchy breakfast cereals come in a lot of sugar. Eating sweets gradually becomes a habit, even if you are upset for some reason, then you will want to eat sweets. So make it a habit to feed white cornflakes without milk Do not fall into the trap of any advertisement.

No need to fall into the trap of sports / energy drinks: 

Sports drinks contain a lot of sugar. These are designed to meet the energy needs of those who run marathons, play cricket, football or tennis, cycle or swim first-class. Those who work eight to ten hours a day and do not have a specific eating routine do not need to go to the gym and sip a bottle of sports drink. The loss will be more than the profit Excess sugar will store the body as fat.

Low Fat Yogurt: 

Yogurt is good for our body, we all know that But it is better not to go for low fat yoghurt or milk This is because skim milk or yoghurt is so bad to eat that it is added to the sugar during processing to enhance its taste. Eat whole fat yogurt / milk instead But before buying, make sure that the thing is not adulterated.

Sugar free Ice Cream / Cake / Biscuit:

 What is a golden stone bowl? No! There is no sugar free ice cream or cake Check the label Most sugar-free foods contain sorbitol or mannitol, flour, milk, etc. as ingredients The first two are sugar and alcohol It is not absorbed by our body, but it slows down our metabolism, which can lead to weight gain. Cakes and biscuits are not made without flour, and flour is a simple carbohydrate that breaks down into instant glucose.

The bread is also made of flour, and sugar is needed to activate the yeast, one of the main components of the bread. Multigrain bread is a better option than 6 Even if you have a habit of biting pastries / cakes verbatim, be careful So cream, frosting, icing can't be good for anyone.

Iced / Flavored Tea and Cold Coffee: 

Tea and coffee as drinks but not bad. Green tea in particular, as it undergoes less processing, is rich in antioxidants, which are good for the body. But no one can claim that green tea is heavy and delicious to eat So to enhance the taste, various flavors are mixed in it, sweetness is added Artificial sweet but also actually does harm And when cream, ice cream and sugar are mixed in coffee, all its qualities are lost.

Instant Soup:

 Did you know that one teaspoon of packaged soup contains about 5 grams of sugar? Simple carbohydrate cornflower is used to bring concentration in soup? Isn't it easier to make soup with grains and chicken as you like? If you do not want to add a little noodles or macaroni at the end!

Bottled Sauces / Salad Dressing: 

In addition to sugar, salad dressings and sauces contain artificial colors, preservatives and test enhancers. So the less you eat, the better.

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